The Cure for the "common" event.
Time for something a bit uncommon and out of the box. Try a workshop with Dr. Laz!
Inservice training for teachers, parents, professional care givers. Presentations on the following topics:
*Individualizing Instruction - Student Centered Learning
*The Motivational Classroom - No excuse for a boring class. Ever.
*Every student deserves a special education
*Expressive Arts Therapies - Tap the goldmine!
*Classroom management - tough job but someone's gotta do it... or else.
* What's so special about special education anyways!
* We're All Special... Needs!
* Building the school/community/family bridge
* Building the administration/teacher bridge
* Outdoor Ed - No Box Needed
* Make your job easier & theirs smarter - Peer Tutoring!
* No "I" in the word Team but there is in "Win." Team Building Time for your crew!
Some tips to ponder...
to INSPIRE & Motivate
Most music
therapy programs for special needs students involve
the students listening to music or limited use of
hand percussion drums. To be sure, these are valuable
tools and both techniques can be very effective. But
at the Quest Center (Broward County Public Schools)
we take it a step further: Experiential Music! We
have the students play along, to the best of their
ability, to live music! Some play tambourines, congas,
while others use wrist & ankle bells. Some teachers
have noted that the only time their students smile
or laugh is during our hands-on music activities.

I encourage
all of my students to sing along using a microphone!
Try this awesome technique sometimes - you'll be amazed
at how useful this can be. It encourages them to sing
along, even if this means just making some noises
with their throats and mouths.
We've also
formed a very special & unique "sing &
sign" choir. Our students with profound special
needs, such as Autism, Downs-Syndrome, and even those
classified as "medically-fragile," are taught
American Sign Language. They then are able to "sing"
along to the live music in the background.
In addition,
we provide a complete multi-sensory experience as
the music is being performed. Students are able to
utilize a variety of adaptive switches & communication
devices. Some produce sounds, others create special
lighting effects. We even have two switches that operate
bubble machines!

PIC symbols
are often used with students with limited verbalization
skills. This strategy allows them to communicate &
participate more effectively. The hat? Well, it pzazz's
things up a bit!
These techniques
are all geared to increasing their participatory skills,
as well as enhance the academic curriculum. The music
& choir program also maximize positive social
Remember - special education
is simply
good education!
It motivates.

It speaks to the individual