National Teachers Hall of Fame
Thanks for an amazing, inspiring & totally awesome
Five Inductees selected from the entire USA
It was humbling to be
amongst such teaching superstars.
Please visit the National Teachers Hall of Fame website
at: www.nthf.org

On live national &
local radio from Emporia, Kansas - home of the first
One Room School House!

Emporia - a town that respects & honors... teachers!
What a refreshing change indeed.

Ooops. Got into some trouble at the One Room School
House & yes, that's a real "Dunce Cap."

Part of my display at the Hall of Fame.

Goofin' around with the film crew
at our ceremony rehearsal.

Five of us with Glenn Strickland, one of the NTHF directors.

With mom, dad, Gittel, and our wonderful hosts - Tim,
Angie & Lauren Miller.
U guys R the Best!!

Part of my display area in the NTHF.

With our good friends, Marsha & Ira, who came in
from Miami to share in the festivities.
Marsha is an awesome teacher & I had the honor to
teach with her in Miami Dade schools.

One Rm School House authentic wooden benches with good
ol' inkwells!

Hey Tim - thanks for that belt. It held up nicely!
Yeah I know, never leave home without one.