Laz... The Cure for the Common Event!
followed by
discussion & book signing
This movie features TV star & comedian Howie Mandel as Dr. Laz!
It deals with the race riots that plagued
the Crown Heights community in the summer of 1991, and how Dr. Laz, together with two leaders from the African-American community,
started Project CURE. This unique, grassroots organization brought people together from diverse backgrounds to foster
mutual understanding & respect.
Showtime produced this movie which is based on Dr. Laz's book,
Sharing Turf - Race Relations after the Crown Heights Riots.
The movie also features three of Dr. Laz's original songs.
- Music
- Book
Reviews & Signings
- Speaking
- Teen
& Youth Programs
- Community
- Shabbatons
& Camp Events
Time for something a bit uncommon and out of the box. Try a workshop with Dr. Laz!
Inservice training & workshops for teachers, parents, professional care givers. Presentations on the following EDUCATIONAL topics:
*Individualizing Instruction - Student Centered Learning
*The Motivational Classroom - No excuse for a boring class. Ever.
*Every student deserves a special education
*Expressive Arts Therapies - Tap the goldmine!
*Classroom management - tough job but someone's gotta do it... or else.
* What's so special about special education anyways!
* We're All Special... Needs!
* Building the school/community/family bridge
* Building the administration/teacher bridge
* Outdoor Ed - No Box Needed
* Make your job easier & theirs smarter - Peer Tutoring!
* No "I" in the word Team but there is in "Win." Team Building Time for your crew!
EXCITING Topics include:
*Skullcaps 'N Switchblades! - What's a Nice Jewish Boy
Doing In A Place Like This?
How exactly did Howie Mandel put on Tefillin!
* It's A Mixed-Up, Crazy World & I'm... Jewish?!
*Tikkun Olam - Fixing The Planet: Our Responsibilities
As Human Beings & As Jews
*Keeping Our Teens Off The Streets & Involved in the Positive
* Israel - An Apartheid Neighborhood Bully? Right.
*We Can't Do What?! Sexuality & Torah Ethics
* If Momma Ain't Happy Ain't Nobody Happy !
Building A Positive Home Environment
* Here, There & Everywhere - And All in the Torah?
* I Learned A Lot From My Teachers - But Most From My Students
* Save the Whales... and the Humans!
What Judaism says about Environmentalism
And one of my Faves, courtesy of R Dovid Birk from
Chabad Center of Cornell University:
* Hassids, Hip-Hop, & Harmony!
Topics on Addiction
*. L'CHAIM! TO LIFE - Not Addiction!
What Judaism has to say about drinking & keeping a healthy liver.
What Judaism has to say about smoking & keeping your head (& lungs) healthy!
The "innocent" addictions: I can't survive without my 3 Starbucks!
Dr. Laz directly at: DrLaz770@gmail.com
Some PR flyers from a variety of Events:

In jolly ol' England!
Speaking & Book Signing at B&N

Burlington Vermont - 2016
Some of the DL & TC band!
Halftime Gig rockin' at a Miami HEAT Game!