*March 28th: Bradenton, Fl.
*May 3rd: The Mangrove Tangle - production by individuals with special needs. The Quest Center, Hollywood, Fl.
*May 4th: Shabbaton. North Miami Beach
*May 8th - 10th: Recording new song & music video! (It's Time) Stay tuned y'all.
*June 6th: Dr. Laz & The Sensations!
Shul of Bal Harbour
*June: Upcoming Gigs & Events in Australia Mates! More info coming soon on the nitty-grittys for the Land Down Under!
of Buffalo
Distinguished Alumni Event
The Dr. Sarkin Award for
"Excellence in Teaching"
Buffalo, NY

my mom, dad & Mrs. Sarkin
at the UB Alumni award event. Ya gotta luv the
State College
Distinguished Alumni Award
"Professional Achievement
Community Service"
Buffalo, NY
Buffalo Review
David Lazerson, a Buffalo native and special education
teacher in the Broward County school system in
South Florida, has been named a Distinguished
Alumni Recipient this year from both University
of Buffalo and Buffalo State College. It is truly
an honor when this occurs at one college, let
alone two in the very same year.
Laz, as he is affectionately known, will be receiving
the prestigious Dr. Richard T. Sarkin Award for
Excellence in Teaching at UB’s alumni award
event this coming April 20th in Buffalo. Dr. Laz
received his Ph.D. in Research & Evaluation,
with a minor in Urban Ed, from UB in 1986. On
May 12th, at Buff State’s (where he received
his Master's degree in Learning & Behavioral
Disorders) commencement ceremony, Dr. Laz will
receive the Distinguished Alumni Award for Community
Service & Contributions to Education. Dr.
Laz will also address the graduates at their commencement
being honored for his work in race relations –
he formed Project CURE, a racial harmony group
that began shortly after the race riots in Crown
Heights, NY in the 90’s. His new book, Sharing
Turf, was used by Showtime to write the story
and screenplay for the movie "Crown Heights,"
which features Howie Mandel (host of the popular
TV show Deal Or No Deal) as Dr. Laz. The movie,
recently released at Blockbuster, also used three
of Laz’s original songs. His music group,
Dr. Laz & the CURE, plays throughout the world,
bringing their important message of mutual respect,
tolerance, and peace.
Laz is also being honored for his unique contributions
to the field of special education. He currently
runs the experiential music program for the Quest
Center, a school within the Broward County public
schools. He formed a very unique group, called
the “Sing & Sign” Choir, made
up of students with autism spectrum disorder,
Downs-syndrome, cerebral palsy, medically fragile
conditions, and other profound special needs.
Since most of his 200 plus students are non-verbal,
the students were taught American sign language,
which they use to communicate during their performances.
Students utilize adaptive switches so even the
kids in wheelchairs are able to participate.
His choir performs for schools and senior centers
throughout Florida, and was recently featured
on national TV. He’s written more than 10
grants in the past three years, including receiving
the Mr. Holland Opus Foundation award. He’s
published extensively in newspapers and educational
journals, including a recent study published in
the England's prestigious Journal for Emotional
& Behavioural Disabilities. Dr. Laz is currently
conducting an important research study that involves
utilizing experiential music and adaptive technology
for students with profound special needs. Dr.
Laz has also presented his research at many professional
educational conferences in the past several years,
including Council for Exceptional Children's annual
conference and the Assistive Technology Association
conferences. He also serves on the editorial review
board for the new journal, Assistive Technology
Outcomes & Benefits. Most exciting, perhaps,
his "sing & sign" choir are under
consideration for an appearance on the Oprah Show!
just returned from two very successful events
in England, Dr. Laz is in high demand, traveling
throughout the globe speaking, playing, and bringing
inspiration to thousands.
David Lazerson is the son of Richard & Tilly
Lazerson of Amherst, NY."
Rock 'N Roll Shabbaton!
Poster! Click Here!
CONTACT section of site for bookings.
Rockin' Purim Parties in
Jolly ol' England!
Met the real Potter crew at Chabad in Hendon! As she so noted and quoted!:
"Laz was spiffy brilliant!"

Chabad House in Leeds with the amazing Rabbi Cohen
in long hair & 60's attire to my right!

from LEEDS, England 2007
L'Chaims with the incredible Overlanders in Hendon.
Flying over beautiful Greenland (did someone say
from jolly ol' England back to USA!